الطعام والوجبات باللغة السويدية

الطعام بالعربيةالطعام بالسويديةالنطق
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

وجبة افطار

وجبة غداءlunch

وجبة عشاء

kött (n)
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

لحم بقريnötkött (n)
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

لحم العجل
kalvkött (n)
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

لحم الضأن
fårkött (n)
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

لحم خنزير

نوع من لحم خنزير
fläsk (n)
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

لحم خنزير مقددbacon / fläsk (n)

بيرةöl (n)
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.



خبزbröd (n)
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

زبدةsmör (n)
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

كعكةkaka / tårta
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.




Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.


ägg (n)
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

بيض مقلي
stekta ägg
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

بيضة مسلوقة
kokta ägg
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

دهنfett (n)

طحينmjöl (n)
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.



Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

خردل, مسطردةsenap


عجة البيض أو أُمليتomelett


الخبز المدور الكايزرbulle


ملحsalt (n)

Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.



طنجرة أو يخنةgryta

سكرsocker (n)

شايte (n)

Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

خلättika / vinäger
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the “fileurl” parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.

نبيذvin (n)